VIPs Strange coincidences In life, we sometimes encounter astonishing coincidences, as if some unseen author is playfully weaving our threads. I’d like to share a few that happened to me in the early 90s, during my time at Lotus Development, a computer multinational...


Museums I’ve always loved museums, especially those of archaeology and history. Seeing how our ancestors lived is simply fascinating, especially when you realize that what’s in the museum is just the tip of the iceberg. The remaining 89% simply remains...


Ethereals In these tales, I recount encounters with beings beyond explanation, entities that have intersected with the fabric of my life at various junctures. Yet, it is important for me to state unequivocally that I do not subscribe to the existence of ghosts or...


MEGACONCERT An unexpected job. There are moments when life opens doors or windows to people or situations so far removed from your everyday that you can’t begin to imagine what they’re like. Yet, look through that window or cross that threshold, and you...


RETURN This story is the second part of Pádraig’s life that began with “The Village Elder.” It is based on the life of my father, Paddy Ahumada Gallardo, but it is not his biography, which is much broader and more interesting than what you will see...
Father Christmas

Father Christmas

Father Christmas Father Christmas, Santa Claus or Père Noël, a character concocted by Coca-Cola in 1931, complete with copyright and all, yet one who dwells in the imagination of boys and girls, enduring generation after generation, often without the slightest aid...